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It IS possible to have the career of your dreams and a fulfilling personal life as a female physician. 

Physician Success Coaching Program


Physician Success Coaching (PSC) is a personalized coaching program designed to teach you essential and simple skills to understand and manage your thinking. 99% of the issues we face as physicians and humans can be reframed by our thinking and can lead to tremendous fulfillment.

I am eager to show you how. 


When I transitioned out of academics early in my career, that’s when it all hit me - having to figure out how to succeed in my career and also juggle new roles of being a wife and mom. Life coaching helped me understand how my own thinking influenced all of the results in my life and how I could yield it to create whatever I wanted. Now, I truly feel 100% fulfilled and have created the life of my dreams.

I want that for you.

Let's do this.

Join me and transform your life and career. 

How I created the career and life of my dreams
I promise, you won't regret doing this for yourself. 
My only regret in the past decade is that I didn't find life coaching earlier. 
In fact if you don't see a transformation after 6 months, I will give you a full refund. 

Book a Consult

I am offering a 1-hour Life Assessment Session where we review all of the areas of your life that you want to work on and set goals for each of them. This is valued at $250 and I'm offering it for FREE - totally free of any obligations or selling. I simply want you to have an understanding of what coaching is and how it can help you. 

Client Success Stories

I intentionally don't share specific details like specialties, demographics other than gender, to protect my client confidentiality. This is not always a given with life and professional coaches, but this is very important to me. 

One of my clients is a new attending physician that came to me ready to quit. After working with me in PSC for just 3 months, she is now experiencing 10 out of 10 fulfillment in her career and is clear on how to maintain both personal and professional fulfillment. 

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Another one of my clients came to me questioning everything she was doing. We quickly identified her deep rooted issues with self-confidence (not uncommon in early career physicians, especially women), and after 4 months in PSC, we have created a new relationship with herself first, one of love and self-confidence, that has totally changed her level of fulfillment with herself, parenting, and her career. 

A client came to me in a traditionally high-earning,  specialty, totally unfulfilled with her career and life. Despite her having created wealth, and an outwardly "good" life, she was feeling dissatisfied. We got to the root of her problem in PSC, and now she has a whole new perspective on how to create fulfillment for herself on a daily basis. 

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Do you want to uplevel your life? 
Let's talk.

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